on may 17th we drove out to van huys to see the set of the office. we didn't tell pj where we were going, but as soon as we drove up he knew exactly where we were. it was pretty fun to peek into the parking lot and see all of the character's cars. unfortunately we arrived in the evening so our pictures were less than stellar, but i'll share some just because. i had to add lots of highlights to make anything readable, so forgive pj's neon glow.
on may 23rd we spent a saturday at the getty center. it is a great place to take your camera on a date and get to know it a little better. i did and we couldn't be happier together. so happy, in fact that i decided to start a photo blog to follow my progress. i know, i know. cliche much? but if you want to see pictures of the day, go here.
ok, so i broke the ice. not as overwhelming as i expected, but i'm going to need a break now. i'll be checking back in throughout the day to continue this mega update. until then...