sometimes i am forced to learn lessons about myself, even if i have to do it kicking and screaming...which i usually do.
september 2nd was supposed to be pj's first day of second grade. unfortunately, the teachers in the bellevue school district met with the union, decided they weren't being paid enough and have now been on strike for a week. negotiations continue to fail and although it is illegal, the striking continues.
eric and i have been scrambling for a week now to find daycare for pj until this is all resolved. we are using up all our favors and the "strike camps" that have been set up are definitely not free and are now eating into our budget.
it's particularly tricky in this district as it is located in one of the wealthiest areas of the country. we are one of the very few families in the district that live in apartment homes and not million dollar mcmansions (seriously, bill gates' estate is less than a 10 minute drive from us). the teachers in this area just want to keep pace with the community, but inside, my guts are saying: if you wanted to live in a 2 million dollar home with a boat and 3 cars, wouldn't you have chosen a different profession? isn't that horrible? i think it's just my frustration talking. i just want school to start already!
here's my problem(and why i am so selfish): if the same situation arose somewhere else in the the country, i can see myself in complete support of these teachers i so admire. as i've had some time to mull this situation over, i find myself torn.
i consider teaching one of the most noble professions and will be forever grateful for those influential teachers that did so much for me growing up. and then this thought occurred to me yesterday: would i consider them so commendable if teachers were paid what they deserve? would they hold such a special place in my heart if they made six figures? is it their sacrifice that makes them so memorable? i don't even know the answer.
to any teachers reading this, i mean no offense. i think you are wonderful. i'll get down off my soapbox now. it's bedtime, anyway...