i haven't posted about christmas yet. like krista, i'm working on appreciating it as i come to grips with the fact that it's over. it was completely wonderful and i have the pictures to prove it. they will be trickling in as i work on them. eric completely surprised me with a new camera for christmas. i have been secretly coveting a "real"camera, but unable to convince myself it was a need. thanks eric, i love it! this is my first attempt at a picasa collage. i don't really know what i'm doing yet, but i am exploring and loving it.
6 years ago
I only count SIX silly monkeys!
Awesome, Lola Falana. I never thought that a "real" (I assume you mean an SLR) camera was something I'd want, but the digital shots I've been taking just don't come out well.
I need to figure out how to take decent pictures, now that there's no excuse not to share them immediately with everyone I love.
What are you guys talking about? I thought the digital cameras were the way to get perfect pictures, though mine haven't been. But I just thought that was because of my inexperience. Is an SLR camera one that you have to do all the lighting and focusing stuff yourself? I mean, like you have to actually KNOW something about photography? Please advise.
Your photos have always looked so good to me! The collage is cool. And I love the pic of Bim, Little and your dad watching the Grinch. Glad you're posting again.
Tom looks like he's in heaven with two of his cute little grand baby girls! So precious!
Wish I could have been there with you guys!
Lauren you are just gorgeous!!
comment killer!
jana, i no comprende - comment killer?
Jana had a theory (which derived from many posts on Sherry's blog, I believe) that whenever she would post a comment, everyone else would stop commenting. Apparently there are a lot of posts on Sherry's blog that have Jana as the last person to comment. And it has spread to other blogs. We need to save her!
Always comment after Jana. That's my new motto.
P.S. Nice pictures. I'm excited for you about the camera. I have a friend who has an SLR and her photos all look professional. They just have a more shot-on-film look to them, and more depth than most of mine. Hmmpf. Maybe I'll get an SLR for my one-year anniversary... or a baby. Either one would be fine I think.
It took coming back to your post to correct my misunderstanding of Jana's "comment killer" comment. She said it on mine, too, and I thought it was because I removed two comments earlier in my commment section. I was so wrong. And I've never been wrong before.
Thank you Jamie! You are so right!
Okay, now somebody else has to comment!
Commenting for Jana's sake. And what is Picasa, Lola?
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