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Monday, March 16, 2009

100th Post

celebrating 100 insights into these diaz people's lives. hope you've enjoyed! stick around, why don'tcha?


Meg said...

Sweet! How did you know it was your 100th post? We will have swiss cake rolls to celebrate your momentous occasion here!

Nicea said...

Awesome! I had the same question as Megara. How did you know?

And I might as well tell you that we won't be having Swiss cake rolls to celebrate your milestone due to the constrictions placed on our (and by *our* I mean *my*) lifestyle by the biggest loser family contest. Maybe we could conjure up a little Native American drum roll, though. In your honor. You're welcome. It's the least we can do.

Lola said...

if you go into edit posts, you'll see them all there and they're numbered. i just happened to be looking around.

m-i haven't had swiss cake rolls in years! yum.

neesh-maybe you could roll up some fruit in a low carb, 0 calorie tortilla. wait, i just threw up a litte in my mouth. don't do that.

Shawn said...

Lola, that last comment made me laugh out loud. Happy 100!

Nicea said...

Lola - I keep getting clues that Shawn and I are sisters. The latest clue? When she laughed out loud at your last comment. I did, too!

Maybe someday she and I'll find out if we're related or not. Stick around.

Meg said...
