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Monday, October 20, 2008

Obsess Much?

i don't feel like i have much to chat about, but it's been so long since i've posted, i figured i should check in with the masses. so. how're things?

i've been entirely consumed by sewing these days. i haven't finished my stockings yet, but i did make some progress during conference. they are looking stinkin cute if i do say so. and i do.

i must say, it's kind of taking over my life. and when i say kind of, i mean entirely. a rather healthy week consists of only 3 trips to the fabric store and making it home with no more than 4 new projects. oh dear. i have about 6 projects in progress (as soon as i get about 3/4 of the way through, or i stop liking where the project is heading, i start on the next) and close to two dozen waiting in the wings. oh dear. **

so far, i've completed (keep in mind that nothing is ever complete with me. i can always add, tweak, remove something already considered finished) a few things i can actually wear. 2 shirts, a skirt and a pair of soft pants (eric's name for my pajamas). oh, and a pair of pajama pants for RD.

but i mean, seriously. go big or go home, right? i think martha stewart would tell me it's a good thing. i don't know. i'm just sayin.

evidence of a couple trips to the fabric case you didn't believe me.

**a shout out to the hubs for being so patient and supportive as our hard earned dollars continue to be replaced by fabric. thanks, dude.


:: my hair goes severely darker. wha?

:: eric got in a car accident last week on the freeway. not hurt, luckily, and not his fault, but our car is pretty crunched. ugh.

:: the red sox almost come back to win the ALCS but, sadly, the rays steal the victory.

:: to my surprise and disappointment, i have yet to be to the pumpkin patch this year. MER! remember earlier in my post about the sewing and the sucking up of my life? i wasn't kidding people!

:: the diaz trio continues to root for obama.

:: in an attempt to get pj excited about reading, i bribed him to read harry potter with me. he was pretty hesitant. until i promised him 5 packs of baseball cards. my mom tried to bribe me to read when i was little. i'll let you know if it works better with peej than it did with me.


Jamie said...

My baby brother Loren used to read Harry Potter to me at night -- a little role reversal where the brother reads the older sister a bedtime story. He'd get about half way into a chapter and he'd inevitably have to wake me up once or twice before he finished. So cute! And this was not too long ago... Loren was a teenager.

Now he's all growed up and on a mission. *sniff*

Sewing and other fabric-related projects have been filling most of my free time too. We were raised by crafty mothers, so sue us. I have mostly been doing quilts, though. No clothes for a while, like until I can afford a pattern and some more fabric. I'm working on a farm animal baby quilt for my unborn and unconceived first child. Haha.

I want to see your dramatically darker hair! I, too, put on my winter hair, as my coworker likes to say. It's just medium brown now. I like it because now I can wash it every other day and it's not greasy looking. This is a long comment, huh?

Meg said...

Cute Lo, I currently have 8 sewing projects I am working on, and am about half way on 5 of them, one being our stockings that HAVE to be done this year! Love it. I recently decided to crochet Lyza Loo a scarf; a bit more of an undertaking than I had imagined!
Yahoo for reading. Really I think children just need to get into it and then they will roll with it on their own. Bring out the bribes baby!

Nicea said...

I'm so impressed with all the stitching and sewing going on! And clothes, too! VERY impressive.

Oh, yes. A bribe by any other name is incentive. You go, girl!

richard dandelion said...

Yay for me! Soft pants, soft pants!

miss kitti said...

We are totally bribing Grace with Harry Potter, as well. We've told her she can't see any more HP movies until she has read the book. We've decided to extend that to all movies made from books. Books first, movies second.

So far it's working. We just had our first HP party and are reading the second like mad to get to the movie.

I should try the baseball card route (or in Grace's case, easy bake kits) to get her to read on her own. Thanks for the idea.

And what's up with your hair going darker? Is it doing it on it's own? Kinda crazy.

Sherry Carpet said...

pictures of hair, please.

your car got smashed??? ugh. i am really sorry.

pictures of projects too, please.