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Friday, November 9, 2007


I'm a bit behind on the Halloween post, but better late than never! This year PJ decided he wanted to be scary for the first time. So super dad delivered again! Eric stayed up super late Tuesday night getting PJ's costume perfected. I wish I had a close up picture of his super scary makeup. He looked just like Dracula down to the teeth marks on his neck!


kristy said...

it's freaky that pj even has red eyes in that picture..

love that your boots fit your costume!

B-Hal said...

Brian: "Hello, you look like a pirate."

Lauren: "I should say so, look at the blouse sir!"

Sherry Carpet said...

I am so scared now that I probably can't sleep tonight. Oh, no. I can't. I already know I can't. I just know it.