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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saving daylight

I LOVE daylight savings in the fall. Especially when I forget and then am reminded that I get an extra hour of sleep. Woo hoo! I haven't changed any of the clocks yet because I love looking at them and knowing it's one hour earlier. It's like a trick I'm playing on everyone! Awesome.
I got really sick last night with a nasty fever and was up most of the night with chills. I've just been lounging most of the day and with the help of some little orange pills I have been ok today. Unfortunately I think Eric might be sick now too. I'm not nearly as righteous as Kristy, though. I didn't think twice about sleeping through church and I haven't been taking care of sick kids!


kristy said...

oh you better believe I came right home and slept right through church.

sorry you're sick too! we haven't even been around eachother in a while. must be going around..

Sherry Carpet said...

Po' lidda sickie! I wish I could come wrap you up in a blanket and steal all your little orange pills. It's really easy to steal from sick people. I love it.

Feel better!