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Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Easter Post...A Week Later

PJ searching for eggs

My cute boys in their Easter suits

Eggs...glorious eggs!

I had grand visions of Easter this year. New Easter outfits, a big meal, decorating eggs, the annual bunny cake, etc. Unfortunately, since the cold bug hit our house last weekend, none of us had much gusto. We did get PJ a new suit for church, but we only made it through one meeting, came home and crashed. We dyed eggs Saturday night around 10pm and since the Easter Bunny did visit our house we had a fun little egg hunt before our Sunday Siesta. We got a nice dinner put together and I tried to make a bunny cake but was so out of it, I ruined it and trashed it. Don't worry, I couldn't let a year go by with no bunny cake, so I put one together on Tuesday. I'm a sucker for tradition...and bunnies.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008


Check out Google's Earth Hour...
Rock on Google!

Under The Weather & Over The Weather

Today was a breakthrough day for me. Ever since Saturday when I started to feel that little throat tickle, I've been battling the worst cold I've had in quite some time (hence the lack of an Easter post - coming soon). Eric started coughing and sneezing early last week and then so graciously passed it along to me. We've been pounding cold medicine together all week and then this morning I finally woke up and didn't want to curse at my husband (uh, not that I ever do that...).

On a different note...

I think someone punk'd me when they said Spring was here. NOT SO MUCH! It's March 28th and it snowed today! I'm usually one to really appreciate the white rain, but not when I have transitioned myself mentally and physically to the next season. I'm having a hard time appreciating the cherry blossoms dusted in snow, not to mention the FREEZING COLD. I know, East Coasters. "Cry me a river", you're thinking, but man, I'm grumpy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Top Chef

Top Chef: Chicago has become my reality TV fix now that Project Runway is over. Thank you Bravo for being so fierce.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Spring!

If you ask me, this could be the most perfect day of the year. There is so much to look forward to! Blossoming trees, blooming flowers, baseball season (woo hoo!) and best of all...Summer! All the flowers at work are wonderful pastel colors and they smell delightful. Easter is my favorite flower holiday because the arrangements are so lovely.
It's exciting, too, because it's as if the world wakes up. The days are longer (is there anything better than that?), kids are playing outside again and people just seem to be in a better mood. While the Pacific Northwest stays a bit chilly and rainy during the Spring, there is the anticipation of sunshine and blue skies that just feels impossible during those brutal Winter months.

As I was decorating this fall, I didn't really think about the year 'round look. I painted the walls deep copper, brown and orange and the curtains match. Now that it's Spring time I am wishing it was a bit lighter and brighter. That's my goal for the next few weeks. I want to do some spring cleaning, de-clutter the closets and welcome Spring!

I am starting with a new blog layout. I was inspired this past Sunday by the talks in Sacrament Meeting about keeping journals. I have never made journal writing a priority so I have decided to dedicate my blog to tracking my journeys and have rededicated myself to keeping it up to date.

Happy Spring to everyone!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Miami or Bust!

I just got home from a fab vacation to the right coast where I stayed with Bim, Krista and Ally for 5 days. What a remarkable place where the sun just hangs out and shines. Wow. The first day there I went and sat on the porch and my body just seized with giddiness. I knew I was excited but I had no idea I would react with such glee! We spent some days on the beach, some time at the pool and a bit of time on Lincoln St. with fun shops and restaurants. If I didn't miss my hubs so much, I don't think Seattle would have seen the likes of me ever again!
Some pictures of my favorite little Floridian...