Today was a breakthrough day for me. Ever since Saturday when I started to feel that little throat tickle, I've been battling the worst cold I've had in quite some time (hence the lack of an Easter post - coming soon). Eric started coughing and sneezing early last week and then so graciously passed it along to me. We've been pounding cold medicine together all week and then this morning I finally woke up and didn't want to curse at my husband (uh, not that I ever do that...).
On a different note...
I think someone punk'd me when they said Spring was here. NOT SO MUCH! It's March 28th and it snowed today! I'm usually one to really appreciate the white rain, but not when I have transitioned myself mentally and physically to the next season. I'm having a hard time appreciating the cherry blossoms dusted in snow, not to mention the FREEZING COLD. I know, East Coasters. "Cry me a river", you're thinking, but man, I'm grumpy.
6 years ago
No, I hear you. It snowed here last week after several days that were Nigh unto Balmy-tude. Lame! I've actually been thinking I'm the wussie for wishing the sun would come out when I watch the weather reports for the NW.
And never apologize for feeling grumpy. Grumpy is one of the things Pacific Northwesterners get the old fashioned way. We earn it.
this is actually kristy..oops.
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