Anyone who knows me (and what I do for a living) knows that my job sucks me into oblivion from the week before Thanksgiving to about the week before Christmas. Thus, explaining my disappearance. I am thrust into Christmasland for about a month decorationg people's homes and several hotels in the area for the big Holiday. While it can be a very pleasant and rewarding time, it is also very difficult and stressful. I involve everyone I can, including Eric quite a bit of the time, and I would like to publicly thank him for his help and support. I could not have done it without him. Every year I say it's my last year running the show, and every year I end up back at it again. Perhaps, this is my last year. =)
So, I'd like to catch up and fill you in on what we've been doing in between decking everyone's halls...
I believe you've all met Oswaldo, well, at least the raw bird. Now, meet cooked Oswaldo!
He was delicious!
Shortly after Thansgiving came PJ's 7th Birthday. We had a fun party at our house with his "grown up" friends...
and a party at Safeco Field with his kid friends....and Ichiro even came! Talk about the luckiest 7 year old ever!

And in case you still weren't convinced that PJ had the best Birthday ever, here is the cake (a replica of Fenway Park) that Eric made. He made it completely by hand. Seriously. He made the cake, the frosting and the fondant. Wow. I helped with a few of the details at the end, but he really did the whole thing himself. Kudos to Eric!
With the leftover fondant I made this cake for a family in our ward who just had a baby girl. Yay me!
Then came mid December. The annual ski trip to Whistler. Our friend Tony Gibbs has been organizing this trip for the past 6 years and this is our second time going (and now Eric's 2nd time skiing). It's such a fun trip, we've had a blast both times. And it's so gorgeous up there!